The validation script of cruxade has now landed into ffehr's development repository. For the adventurous, you may download the source code of ffehr following the instructions at:
By the way, don't forget to update your local copy of cruxade. If you have followed the instructions from the previous blog all you need to do is issue the "bzr bind" command.
$ cd <pristine branch>
$ bzr bind
$ bzr update
Next time, you need not keep on issuing "bzr branch" nor "bzr bind" to keep in sync with the latest changes of cruxade's source code. "bzr update" will be enough, as long as, you have internet access (of course). Then, to merge the changes from pristine branch to your mods branch will involve the following commands "bzr merge", "bzr conflicts", "bzr resolve".
$ cd <mods branch>
$ bzr merge <path of the pristine branch>
$ bzr conflicts # to check for any conflicts
$ bzr resolve # after fixing the source
$ bzr commit
If you care less about your changes in the mods branch you can simply do a "bzr pull" command, instead of "bzr merge". Take note that "bzr pull" will overwrite the changes you've made, including your previous commits, in the mods branch.
$ cd <mods branch>
$ bzr pull <path of the pristine branch> --overwrite --remember
# next time you only need to do "bzr pull --overwrite" you may have guessed it with the "--remember" switch.
Wait... we're not done yet (too excited are we?) Add the cruxade extension under ffehr's extensions folder, in like manner you have added it in a firefox profile folder.